Devin Vaghela Dentistry

Dr. Devin Vaghela is a dentist based in Nairobi. He has a focus on minimal invasive cosmetic procedures, restorative and implant dentistry, with particular interests in dental occlusion and functional corrections including jaw joint problems, in the management of advanced tooth wear, dental implants, and in dental sleep medicine.

He obtained his Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree at the University of Bristol in 2005 and subsequently Membership at the Royal College of Surgeons, England, in 2008. He is a fellow of the International College of Dentists.

He spends his clinical time between Kenya and the UK. 

Mobile: +254 774 320032
Mobile: +254 780 320032

32 Dental Studio, Westwood Tower, Vale Close off Ring Road Parklands, Westlands

P.O. Box 191 – 00606 Nairobi

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